Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Why is it so Hard to Find a Family Doctor these Days?

I, like many other Canadians do not have a family doctor, which means that having a yearly physical that would reveal any potential health problems can be a real concern. I’m currently on several doctors’ patient wait lists but I seem to have hit a brick wall. I worry that I will likely find out about a health issue only when it has become a critical issue! An unfortunate outcome of this scenario is that many of the costs for medical care could be avoided if a medical condition was foreseen at its onset. 

Doctorlink.ca is a free directory that lists doctors who are accepting new patients, which is a great tool for those seeking a family physician. It requires you to set up an account, and it works by matching you up with a doctor in any specialty in your area. I logged in, chose Family Medicine as the specialty, entered all the necessary information, including checking off the box that says ‘accepting new patients only’, and when I pressed submit I received the following message: Sorry, according to our records there are currently no Doctors who match your search criteria. Frustrated, I re-submitted my information without checking the box and came up with a directory of 22 family doctors in my area. I guess my next step would be to contact each doctor in order to be added to their waiting lists and hope for the best. 

There is always the option of having a yearly check-up at a private clinic. Although costly, at this point, it may be worth it. 

It would seem that the old system of one patient, one doctor, has seen its day. Just like in earlier posts, where I’ve discussed the issues of hospital wait times and suggested taking matters into your own hands by investing in a private health insurance plan that can lessen the wait by expanding your treatment options, I propose we take a similar approach by advocating for ourselves, and getting informed about the goings on in our communities when it comes to doctors, clinics, and health care options.

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