Monday, 25 May 2015

What Does Health Insurance Cover?

Not every health insurance plan covers every type of disease; therefore it’s important that you read into the exclusions and limitations of a policy before signing on the dotted line, so to speak. Be prepared and do a family history health check; find out what diseases or health complications run in your family. For example, diabetes, kidney stones, and heart disease are a few of the illnesses that can be hereditary.

  • Make sure your health insurance company is aware of any pre-existing condition you may have. Concealing such information can lead to a rejected claim.
  • When buying health insurance, inform yourself as to the date that coverage begins, after your first payment.

      If you are a prudent and practical person, you’re likely to agree that having health insurance is better than crossing our fingers and hoping that you’ll never get sick or injured.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Is Insurance on your To-Do List?

Last night my son’s girlfriend, her friend and son were the victims of a house fire. They barely escaped with their lives, jumping out of a two storey window to safety. They were renting the premises and didn’t have home insurance for tenants. 

As a consequence, they have walked away from this experience with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the support of loved ones. It was fortunate that the girls only sustained a few minor injuries and the baby was unharmed. 

The Red Cross has helped them a great deal, and so have friends and family. There has also been an incredible outpouring of aid from city residents. Nevertheless, the incident has brought about the realization that having home insurance can make a big difference.

Acquiring insurance is too often put on the “to-do list” to be dealt with later on, be it  house insurance, health insurance, or life insurance. When all is going well in life, we tend to ignore the “what ifs”.  What if I suddenly get sick and cannot work? What if my house goes up in smoke? What if I have an accident and meet an untimely death? In such situations, many will worry about how to get back on their feet and about the support of their family. 

There’s no time better than the present to address the subject of insurance.